Variables that influence BO Dashboard Performances
Variables that impact on Dashboard Load Time
In order of importance:
1. Queries or connections that are set to Refresh Before Components Are Loaded.
This is the default setting for a query.
If you have any queries or connections set to refresh before components are
loaded the
Initializing message phase stays up until they have all completed.
2. Excel cells
3. Excel calculations
4. Components
5. Bindings from components to Excel (also size of ranges)
6. Dashboard file size
Please Note:
Default maximum number
or rows you can refer to in a formula or in a binding is 512 rows.
You can change this in File > Preferences > Excel Options (max recommended is 2000 rows) but this may affect the
performance of your dashboard.
See Also:
SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards 4.0 - Spreadsheets
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