Consuming a query as a web service in Xcelsius

To consume a query as a web service inside Xcelsius, use the Web Service Connector

The Web Service Connector component allows a Flash document created in Xcelsius to communicate with Query as a Web Service through SOAP, using point and click.
The Xcelsius Flash document is self-contained and communicates with the web service to display data visually.
The only prerequisite is that there be a SOAP-based web service available to the Flash document.
The Web Service Connector component, when activated, creates a SOAP-based message (basically an XML document) and sends it to the web service.
The web service responds with a SOAP-based message of its own.
The Web Service Connector component then sends this data to all the other components, resulting in a live visual representation of your data.
There are many public web services available, and many different toolkits and packages for SOAP-based web services. To use public web services and packages that already have a web service on top, you only need a WSDL document for the web service. For Query as a Web Service , you can find the WSDL in the properties of each web service by selecting it in the Query Catalog page.

Cross-domain issue

After downloading the Xcelsius widget from the web, you may encounter difficulty retrieving data with Query as a Web Service if the Flash and the client tool come from different web domains.

This occurs for security reasons related to Macromedia Flash. The Flash displayed in a browser is not permitted to access data residing outside the web domain from which the Flash file format (SWF) originated.

The solution depends on whether your Xcelsius server and the Query as a Web Service client tool are on the same or different machines.

Same machine
Open the Optional Parameters dialog box from the Advanced parameters button and modify the Web Service Base URL so that it matches the web domain from which you downloaded Xcelsius.

Different machines

For instructions, go to:

See also:

QaaWs and customized Authentication in Xcelsius

How to start Query as a Web Service


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