Error DMA0005 - Export failed

Err DMA0005 - Export failed!

Environment: BO XI R 3.1

This error message appears as the result of a failure after you have selected one of the following file export options:
• Export to local file format - In the case of an attempted export to a dBase or Excel file, there has been a general export failure that was possibly
caused by unavailable target files, a Microsoft DAO internal error (such as an absent ISAM driver), or not enough disk space.
In the case of an attempted export to a text file, there has been a general export failure that was possibly caused by unavailable target files or not
enough free disk space.
Copy to DDE - In the case of an attempted export to DDE (the Windows Clipboard), there has been a general export failure that was most likely
caused by insufficient memory.
• Export to RDBMS - In the case of an attempted export through a BusinessObjects connection, there has been a general export failure
possibly caused by an improper middleware configuration or connection, the database server being down, or the user not being authorized to
modify an existing table in the database indicated by the connection. In the case of Export to RDBMS, this error message follows a message
generated from the middleware that contains more specific information.

You need to check the option you selected for export and then take the appropriate following steps:

In case of:

Export to local file format

make certain that the target files are available and that there is enough free disk space.
If both of these conditions are met, look for Microsoft DAO internal errors such as no ISAM driver.

Copy to DDE

make certain there is enough free Copy to DDE memory.

Export to RDBMS 

the preceding (middleware) error message should give you more specific information.

See also:



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