
Showing posts with the label Auditing

Query Builder:queries for extract reports refreshed after o before a specific date

Query Builder:queries for extract reports refreshed after o before a specific date which could be useful to extract Webi reports in a specific folder with their name , owner, cuid, update date that have been refreshed since a date select si_name, SI_NAME, SI_OWNER,  SI_CUID, SI_PARENT_FOLDER_CUID, SI_UPDATE_TS FROM CI_INFOOBJECTS where SI_KIND='WEBI' and  SI_NAME NOT like '%Nuovo documento Web Intelligence%' and SI_INSTANCE='false' and SI_UPDATE_TS > '2013.' and SI_PARENT_FOLDER = 851970 order by SI_UPDATE_TS asc Removing   SI_KIND='WEBI' you can extract also other document kind select si_name, SI_NAME, SI_OWNER,  SI_CUID, SI_PARENT_FOLDER_CUID, SI_UPDATE_TS FROM CI_INFOOBJECTS where  and SI_INSTANCE='false' and SI_UPDATE_TS > '2013.' and SI_PARENT_FOLDER = 851970 order by SI_UPDATE_TS asc You can also exclude Administrator as owner  select si_...

BusinessObjects Environment Cleanup activity using Query builder

BusinessObjects Environment assessment using Query builder This includes identifying unused BI content (Users, Universes, reports,etc.). We are going to see more in detail about identification of unused objects using Query Builder in this document.   Let us see how to identify unused objects in each category listed below     1. User Community          a. Users not logged in for the past 6 months             SELECT TOP 1000 SI_NAME, SI_LASTLOGONTIME FROM CI_SYSTEMOBJECTS            WHERE SI_NAME NOT IN ('ADMINISTRATOR','GUEST') AND SI_KIND='USER'           AND SI_LASTLOGONTIME < '2013.06.30' ORDER BY SI_NAME          b. Users who never logged in to system              SELECT TOP 1000 SI_NAME, SI_LASTLOGONTIME FROM CI_SYSTEMOBJECTS            WHE...

SAP Business Objects Query Builder

Business Objects Query Builder Among Business Objects tools there is an application named Query Builder which can be used to query the Business Objects Meta Data repository in order to collect more information and details about your  Business Objects reporting system. Its url is: http://BOserver:port/AdminTools/ How to create a query Queries are created in a language SQL like. Unlike Sql language there are not a lot of functions supported (like nesting SQL statements, the GROUP BY clause or the DISTINCT function). Below the possible functions in Query Builder within the different clauses of a query are described: (SELECT, FROM, WHERE, ORDER BY). Some examples behind: A list of the Id and Name of all universes SELECT SI _ID, SI _NAME FROM CI _APPOBJECTS WHERE SI _KIND = 'UNIVERSE' Total num ber of Web Intelligence Reports SELECT COUNT(SI _ID) FROM CI _I NFOOBJECTS WHERE SI _KIND = 'WEBI ' A list of 10 0  Crystal Reports with all properties SELE...

How to activate auditing - Tutorial

Tutorial  In order to activate auditing in BO XI R3.1 ( procedure it's similiar on BI 4 CMC ) you must follow these steps: Logon  into CMC Go to servers page Chose the BO server on which you want to activate auditing, for example let's open Web Intelligence server, and select WebIntelligenceProcessingServer click the right button in order to select: Audit Events here you will choose the events you want to audit The procedure is similar also on all the other Business Objects Servers you want to audit. For detail  about the new CMC BI 4 auditing page: CMC in Business Objects BI 4 - New features

BusinessObjects Auditor - Structure and tables

BusinessObjects Auditor  provides  a way to monitor and record key facts about your BusinessObjects Enterprise system.  The information provided by the auditor answers the following questions: - Who is using your Business Objects Enterprise system?  - Which objects they are accessing?  - Which groups within the company use our BusinessObjects system the most ?  - How many concurrent user licenses are we using at any given time?  Auditor also allows you to better administer individual user accounts and reports by giving you more insight into what actions users are taking and which reports they are accessing.  The Audit database contains  the following main  tables: Audit_Event  Audit_Detail  Server_Process  Detail_Type table  Event_Type  Application_Type  Follows the Activity universe graphic structure: Let's see what these tables contain: Audit_Eve...

BO XI R3.1 Auditing Deski Reports

Before starting conversion from DeskI to WebI   Reasons for moving from DeskI to WebI , could be useful to activate DeskI Reports Auditing  in order to understand what reports are still used and therefore are to be converted. So in this case you hato log on CMC Console go on Applications Menu choose Desktop Intelligence (Audit Events) and select the action to be audited: From CMC select Servers -> AdaptiveProcessingServer -> Audit Events Finally you can create a report on Activity Universe in order to select Deski reports' name still in use. Business Objcts XI R3.1 Auditing

Business Objects XI R3.1 Auditing

How Business Objects XI R3.1 Auditing works. Before using Auditing in Business Objects   you need to know how to configure the auditing database, how to select actions to audit, and eventually how to create a custom auditing report. Auditing allows you to keep a record of significant events on BusinessObjects Enterprise servers. Auditor refers to any system responsible for recording or storing information on any auditable event. Auditee refers to any system responsible for performing an event that is audited. While the audit database can exist as part of the system database, it is recommended that it be kept separate, to minimize the impact on system performance due to the constantly growing size of the database. As the auditor, the CMS is responsible for collecting events and writing them to the auditing database. When an audited event is triggered, the server responsible will generate a record and store it in a local...