Translation Manager

Business Objects Translation Manager (BO XI R3.x)

Beginning from Business Objects Enterprise XI 3.0, SAP Business Objects provides a new support for multilingual content (Web Intelligence documents and universes) in order to allow the designer to create reports for a multilingual audience.
The plus is that instead of having to create a report for each language, its content will be translated and
the document will be displayed in the reader’s language,
Translation Manager is the tool that provides a complete framework to support multilingual content in XI 3.x:
• It proposes a simple graphical interface for easy and simple translations
• It is fully integrated to the XI 3.x and supports all the supported CMS authentication modes as well as the offline mode.
• It can collaborate with external translation tools by exporting and importing
XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format) files; the XML format for exchanging localization data.
• It manages more than 100 locales.
• It allows the different stakeholders to manage translation steps through validation status.
In this first version, Translation Manager handles:
• XI 3.x Universe Designer (unv files): all universe metadata.
• XI 3.x Web Intelligence (wid files): document prompts only.

Please Note: Translation Manager can not open universes or Web Intelligence documents from a previous version of XI 3.x.
If you have files from a previous version, you have to migrate them into XI 3.x first.
Translation Manager saves the localized content in the Web Intelligence documents or in universes.

For detail see:

How to use Translation Manager

Translation Manager Substitution mechanism

Translation Manager Big Advise


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