Error WIS 10083 - The qualification of the variable cannot be changed
WIS 10083 - The qualification of the variable '......' cannot be changed.
Error Messages Explained
The qualification of the variable '%1%' cannot be changed. (WIS 10083)
You cannot change the qualification of the variable. (For example, you cannot change a measure to a dimension if its definition includes an aggregate.)
Create a new variable with the appropriate qualification.
BO XI 3.1 SP 4 WebI
Our customer variable with the above error :
=[Rank_tab].[Anno]+"-"+[Rank_tab].[Region]+"-"+ConteggioCumulato([Nazione Cliente])
Is composed by text type and the last part wich is an numeric type.
We solved the problem creating a second variable for the measure:
ConteggioCumulato([Nazione Cliente])
and then we concataneted the first variable with the above one.
See also:
Business Objects errors list
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