
Showing posts from February, 2013

WIS 30951 -The document can't be retrieved from the File Repository Server. Contact your System administrator

 WIS 30951 -The document can't be retrieved from the File Repository Server. Contact your System administrator Environment BO XI R3.1 SP 4 Solution: 1. You can try to  restart Tomcat  and BO Servers and this operation  could resolved the  error. 2. The problem was due to the low available space on the disk where FRS is. So after freeing the disk space this problem was solved.

How to disable automerge demension on WebI report

How to enable/disable automerge demension on WebI report Envirnonment BO XI 3.1 SP 4 In edit mode, right click in the report and go to document properties. Check if Auto merge dimension option is selected or not. Also check that if you have right to merge dimensions or not (See the following image). Moreover you should checked on CMC that  the related security in Access Levels in the CMC  option is enabled. I want to know if there are special requirements for the dimensions to be able to be auto-merged, next to having the same name and being of the same type. Keep in mind that: Webi Intelligence can merge dimensions automatically in the following cases: • The dimensions have the same name • The dimensions have the same data type • The dimensions are in the same universe 

Error WIS 10083 - The qualification of the variable cannot be changed

WIS 10083 - The qualification of the variable  '......' cannot be changed. Error Messages Explained The qualification of the variable '%1%' cannot be changed. (WIS 10083) Cause You cannot change the qualification of the variable. (For example, you cannot change a measure to a dimension if its definition includes an aggregate.) Action Create a new variable with the appropriate qualification. Envirnonment: BO XI 3.1 SP 4 WebI Our customer variable with the above error : =[Rank_tab].[Anno]+"-"+[Rank_tab].[Region]+"-"+ConteggioCumulato([Nazione Cliente]) Is composed by text type and the last part wich is an numeric type. We solved the problem creating a second variable for the measure: ConteggioCumulato([Nazione Cliente]) and then we concataneted the first variable with the above one. See also: Business Objects errors list

How to install live office XI 3.1 with Office 2010

Error: Microsoft Office XP and later applicatations: Excel, Word, Outlook or PowerPoint must be pre-installed. Environment  BO XI 3.1 SP 4 Xcelsius 2008 SP 4 Live Office XI 3.1 SP 4 If you need to install Live Office on a pc with Office 2010 already installed you will get the following warning: In can bypass this error with a  a workaround wich aims to avoid that MS installer checks if Office is installed. In order to do so you need an MSI editor, we suggest So follow these steps: Create a copy of   Lifeoffice.msi file located in the Package folder. Open with InstEd the  Lifeoffice . msi file and select the “Tables” tab and click on LaunchCondition; Then delete the row which refers to Office ( “EXCELl10 OR OUTLOOK10″) and save the file. Then run this modified  Lifeoffice.msi,  previous error will not appear any more and you will accomplish your installation! Please note that this Workaround ...

Error WIH 00013 - Invalid Session

'WIH 00013 - Invalid Session'  error returning when our user ran  Deski reports through infoview. Environment BOXI R 3.1 Windows Server 2008 R2 Tomcat Webapplication Server Solution We changed timeout-settings for Infoview increased to 120 minutes. However as we left an web intelligence document idle for more than 20 minutes the same error came again. We increased the idle connection timeout and idle document timeout settings for the WebIntelligenceProcessingServer using the CMC  but it was not sufficientto be neccessary) As Webi reports are not handled by the InfoView application   the timeout settings from InfoView are not helpful. We had to change the timeout settings for the AnalyticalReporting Application  BOInstallDir\Tomcat55\webapps\AnalyticalReporting\WEB-INF\web.xml See similar post: ERROR WIS 30280 BUSINESS OBJECTS ERRORS LIST


ERROR WIS 30280 We had a problem on opening all Webi reports. We found that the error message appears because the Web Intelligence server stresses the memory resources when processing many reports containing a large amount of data. Solution To resolve the error message, it is necessary to increase the memory heap size value.  Follow these steps:  Open  the regedit ( Registry Editor) Go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Session Manager. Click Subsystems > right-click Windows key > click Modify. Edit the SharedSection value from 1024,3072,512 to 1024,3072,1024. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\Suite 11.5\default\WebIntelligence\Server\Admin\SwapTimeOut. Update  this value to 1500 seconds. Otherwise you could set this to a value higher than the Web Intelligence Report Server connection time out value found in the Central Management Console. This value is expressed in minutes.( default is 20). R...