How to Improve Dashboard performances - Decalogue

Improving SAP BO Dashboard performances Decalogue

1. Avoid Excel formulas if is possible so Try to reduce using formulas as much you can

2. Un-nest Excel formula if you can

3. Avoid linking cells

4. Avoid array Excel functions like sumif, sumproduct

5. Limit dashboards components number

6. Reduce or avoid container components

7. Try to make a simple dashboard model in order to make also simple and easy it's maintenance and it's evolution

8. Prefer QaaWS to LiveOffice when connecting to many universes otherwise it’s better using Webi Reports because you can load heavy data by scheduling Webi reports, besides in Webi it’s easier  to do calculations and values  formatting .

9. In order to improve dashboard performances schedule Webi reports, better if not at the same time.

10. If possible you can use triggers on the cells in order to update data from Webi reports.

Sap BO Dashboards 4.0 - Xcelsius 2008


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