
SAP BO Design Studio Integrated with SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform

Integrating  SAP BO Design Studio   with SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform Enable application management on BI Platform allows: - Enable multi user-access to applications - Storage of applications and images - Embedded runtime on BI Platform - Central management of system connections The following image show how to Open and save applications on BI Platform How to manage  System connections on BI Platform SAP BO Design Studio satisfies different needs for each company role as follows Executive - Consume and interact with information using simplified BI templates - Analyze information on mobile devices Middle Management - Leverage BI applications for planning and forecasting scenarios - User product interoperability to share results with other BI clients Business Analyst - Leverage BI applications for planning and forecasting scenarios  - Create BI applications and design guided navigations Consumer - Use pre-built templates with guided step

SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio (a.k.a. ZEN)

SAP  BusinessObjects  Design Studio  SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio   represents  BEx Web & BEx Web Application Designer successor. Design Stuido allows for intuitive design of centrally governable analytic content ranging from guided analytics to sophisticated OLAP applications and aggregated dashboards.  The product features iPad support, an  HTML5 User Interface, differents themes available for application and a WYSIWYG Eclipse-based designer, full & native support of BW BEx queries, direct connectivity to HANA as well as an advanced scripting engine. Available features in detail: - Intuitive WYSIWYG design environment for designers - Large set of design components (buttons, tabs, dropdown menus etc.) - Extend via scripting language (subset of JavaScript) - Enterprise Ready Life Cycle Management - Central Supportability - Theming & Customizing iPad Support built-in Apps are ready for immediate usage on standard web browsers and mobile

Error ERR_WIS_30270

 An internal error occured while calling 'getMap' API. (Error : ERR_WIS_30270). Environment BOE XI R3.1 SP 4 This is a generic error message,  in our case we had this error while we were applying  some changes to an old WebIntelligence report. By searching through SAP notes there are about 100's of notes on this error. The problems can range from bugs (as also stated in this thread) to configuration issues with universe to report design.  IF you are unable to resolve with the latest patch then open a case with the SAP BO. Solution In our case we saved the report we re-open it and we made some changes in the query pane and after this it was refreshed correctly. Other case: Considering four web intelligence reports, among these, for one report when i click on refresh list of values of a prompt i am getting the error  "An internal error occored while calling process DPCommands API (Error: ERR_WIS_30270) (Error.INF).  In order to solve thi

Geomap report on the latest SAP BI MOBILE APP 4.4.18

Geomap report on the latest SAP BI MOBILE APP 4.4.18 Environment BOE XI 3.1 SP 4 compared to the SAP BI Mobile app Vers 4.4.12 the last version 4.4.18 has a great improvement  because supports many functions witch were not before. You can Enable alerters (for geo-analysis) by adding the suffix “ca1” in the table (report block) Name.  For example, if  the block Name in Web Intelligence is map_lt3_lo4_poi2_od5; you need to update the name  to: map_lt3_lo4_poi2_od5_ca1. So in this version you can assign to a measure a specific colour in order to remark different measures  (as you can see from the following images) The Webi Report sholud have the following structure: assigning a different colour to each indicators will be displayed in Ipad as POI that change colour on selecting a different measure: You can also regroup all the measures related to the POI by adding  the suffix  “gp1” in the Name of the report part (

Working on BI Mobile Geomap for Ipad

Working on BI Mobile Geomap for Ipad on BOE XI R3.1 SP 4 APP VERSION 4.1.2 Supportef for iOS 5.1. Creating simple reports on WebI with a specific Syntax name of block you create let you have pretty cool report to be used on Mobile device, in our case IPad but the result (except layout) is the same also on Android tablets. In the following image you can see a geomap report with two measures, you can switch between them   using the pop up that is open on cliccking on the firts measure exposed : Quantity and Amout on supplier pricelist Moreover  you can add open document to a Google map POI, so if you tap on one of the POI a link will pop up and selecting it you will open another SAP BI mobile report. Ahead I will show how do to this on WebI. Read related posts: Geomap on latest sap bi mobile Ipad App Opendoc syntax in Sap Bi mobile Sap BI mobile guide

Internal error [ RCIRAS0216 ] (Error: INF ) Please contact your system administrator.

Internal error  [ RCIRAS0216 ] (Error: INF ) Please contact your system administrator. Environment BOE XI 3.1 Deski report with Zabo  on Windows 2008 R2  Case: We had this exception after changing from Zabo a Deski option on saving the report, we checked the option 'Refresh on opening' the report. After exporting in the CMS the report on opening it we had the above exception Solution We imported the report on Deski,  choosig the BO system with  (J2EE Portal) ,  we save it  again by checking the option 'Refresh on opening'  and we re-exported it. After this the issue was resolved. See also: Errors list - Solutions

SAP Mobile BI Server and the new BI 4.1

SAP Mobile BI Server and the new  BI 4.1 New features CMC & Launchpad Integration: Allows Configuring Secury Policies via CMC ( Before you needed a config file in the application server now settings are in CMC) You can enable mobile documents through Launchpad properties; right click on the document to get mobile properties dialog, including “time to live”. Allows Configuring Categories for Content Management via CMC Ability to Mobile Enable and Management Document Properties via Launchpad Support for Auditing user actions from Mobile devices Enhancement to Logging Framework and Perfomance Improvements SAP BO MOBILE Connectivity Options Read aslo: