
SAP BI MOBILE for Android

Working with SAP BI MOBILE Reports  Each document contains one or more reports. When you open a document, you can view the default report set by your report designer. If you want to view a specific report, perform the following steps: 1. Tap the document to open it. The Report screen opens. 2. Tap the Reports dropdown icon on the top left corner of the screen. 3. Select the required report from the dropdown list. This application provides you with a paging option to display multiple report parts that cannot be displayed on a single screen. The number at the bottom of the report indicates the number of pages contained in the report. You can browse and open a report part in full screen mode by performing the following steps: 1. Tap the page number at the bottom of the screen. The slider bar appears with a pointer. 2. Drag the pointer on the slider bar to navigate between pages. As you slide, the number changes to display which page you have navigat...

Web Intelligence Layout for BI Mobile documents

Defining  Web Intelligence Layout for Ipad Documents You must consider the following guidelines when designing the layout for Web intelligence documents to ensure they can be viewed on your iPad device. • Ensure a maximum of two horizontal report parts only. • Ensure proper spacing between report parts. • Consider the edges of the widest report parts as a boundary within which all other report parts must be aligned. Note: If you increase the length of report parts vertically in Web intelligence documents, the layout will not be reflected accordingly on the iPad device. The pages on the iPad device are rendered as described in the following image on the left: • If the document has only one report part or has one report part left on the last page, it appears as a full screen view irrespective of the formatting in the Web intelligence document If the document has two report parts or has two report parts left on the last page, the page is divided into ...

Error WIS 00003 Some pre-defined filters are no longer available in the universe

Error WIS 00003 - Some pre-defined filters are no longer available in the universe. See your Business Objects administrator. One or more predefined filters are no longer available in the universe. Predefined filters are condition objects that are predefined WHERE clauses. You use these to restrict the data returned in a query. Solution  Remove the predefined filters from the query, and manually create the same condition in the query by using the appropriate operators and operands. Exception case: In order to correct this problem the designer has renamed one  object in the universe   and has replaced it with the previous original name. This action has not solved the problem: The correct fix is to delete the new object in the last universe version, copy the filter  object from the old universe containing the original filter and  paste it into the current version of the universe. See also: BUSINESS OBJECTS ERRORS ...

Error WIS 00001 - Some objects are no longer available in the universe

Error WIS 00001 - Some objects are no longer available in the universe. See your Business Objects administrator One or more objects in a universe are no longer available to a document, because they have been deleted in the Universe. Solutions: If you have the old Universe backup ( containing the deleted objects nedeed)  you can publish it again otherwise delete the objects from the query that seem to be missing.  The available objects are listed on the Data tab. Rebuild the query without the obsolete objects. See also: BUSINESS OBJECTS ERRORS LIST

Error UNM0015 - Syntax error

Universe Syntax Error This error message appears when special characters are used in object names, including: [ ] = & @ × $ % , ; ! ß £ ~ § μ + ' ( ) { } - There is no solution just: do not use special characters in object names. See also: BUSINESS OBJECTS ERRORS LIST

SAP HANA Log-Based Replication

Transaction Log Based Data Replication Using Sybase Replication. This replication method is only recommended for customers that have been invited to use this technology during the RTC of the SAP HANA 1.0 product delivery. If you are not part of this RTC group, SAP recommends using Trigger-Based Data Replication Using SAP Landscape Transformation (SLT) Replicator because of the rich feature set this replication technology offers. The main components of this replication method are the Sybase Replication Agent which is part of the source system, SAP ERP, and the Sybase Replication Server which is to be implemented in SAP HANA. Replication Process in Detail The following image  details the data replication process and introduces the additional components of this replication method. Initial Load and Simultaneous Delta Replication The initial load of business data needs to be executed only one time to replicate the entire existing dataset from the s...

SAP HANA ETL-Based Replication

The Extraction-Transformation-Load (ETL) based data replication uses SAP BusinessObjects Data Services (hereafter referred to as Data Services) to load the relevant business data from the source system, SAP ERP, and replicate it to the target, SAP In-Memory Database (IMDB). This method allows you to read the required business data on the level of the application layer. You deploy this method by defining data flows in Data Services and scheduling the replication jobs. Since this method uses batch processing, it allows also for data checks, transformations, synchronizing with additional data providers, and the merging of data streams. The data replication is operated by Data Services. Its main components are the Data Services Designer, where you model the data flow, and the Data Services Job Server for the execution of the replication jobs. An additional repository is used to store the meta data and the job definitions. Data Flow As for any replication scenario you have to def...