Error ERR_WIS_30285 -The Web Intelligent server is running out of memory, your document has been closed. If the problem persists, contact your BusinessObjects administrator. (Error ERR_WIS_30285) while refreshing a large Webi report.

Error ERR_WIS_30285 -The Web Intelligent server is running out of memory, your document has been closed. If the problem persists, contact your BusinessObjects administrator. (Error ERR_WIS_30285)  while refreshing a large Webi report.

Envirnonement BO XI R3.1 SP 4

This error was erased while scheduling or refreshing  a large Webi report.

The cause is connections  timed out.

File Repository Servers:-
Input Server: Maximum Idle Time : 60 Minutes (CMC-->servers-->Input File Repository Server)                                                
Output Server: Maximum Idle Time : 60 Minutes (CMC-->servers-->Output File Repository Server)
Universe - Timeout parameter limit in the Universe - set this in Designer
Open the designer > import the universe. Click File > Parameters, select the controls tab, increase the Limit execution time to 60 minutes.
WebIntelligenceProcessingServer Connection Timeout - This is set in the CMC > Servers > WebIntelligenceProcessingServer (Default is 20 mins , please make it 60 mins) .
Command Line Timeout Parameters for WebIntelligenceProcessing server - right click to Properties and edit the command line and add the following at the end :                                                                                              
-requesttimeout 3600000 (This is in milliseconds, so 60mins). Then restart the servers.
In the Central Management Console (CMC) go to the Servers page Select WebIntelligenceProcessingServer. Increase the values for these two properties:
Memory Maximum Threshold: set to 2000
Memory Upper Threshold: set to 2000.

For further information please check SAP NOTE 1538502

See also:


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