Error RFC 00101 - No server was available to process the request
Error RFC 00101 - No server was available to process the request. Please try again later. ( Error RFC 00101 ) (Error: INF ) Environment BO XI R 3.1 SP4 This error often happens during the peak business hours while scheduling WebI reports. In our case we solved the problem increasing the Maximum connection perameter in WebIntelligenceProcessingServer on CMS. The default value is 50 connections per one WebI Processing Server. The best way is to create the new webi processing server from the CMS. In case of DeskI reports: Following solution might be helpful in resolving the issue. To resolve the error message Log on to the Central Management Console as administrator. Click Servers > Desktop Intelligence Report Server. Increase the following time-out parameters to at least twice the current value: Minutes before Idle connection is closed Minutes before an idle report job is closed Moreover if this solution does not work for you, you c...