Create a Data Foundation (UNX) on a SAP HANA
Using SAP BusinessObjects BI Clients for SAP HANA Creating the JDBC connection to the SAP In-Memory Database To set up the JDBC connection to the IMDB: 1. Copy the ngdbc.jar in the appropriate folder under …/dataAccess/ConnectionServer/jd bc/drivers/newdb If this directory structure does not exist, you need to create this directory structure under ../dataAc cess/connectionSrever/jdbc and then drop the jdbc jar file under this directory. 2. Launch the SAP BusinessObjects information design tool. 3. Create a new local project. 4. In this project, create a new Relational Connection. 5. Name it. 6. Select JDBC Drives as the data source. 7. Enter DB credentials and test. 8. Choose Finish. Note: for Explorer, you can also create a native connection from the IMDB to the Explorer application, by configuring the Explorer application settings in the SAP BusinessObjects Central Management Console (CMC). When this type of native connection is used for Explorer, a UNX file...