
Create a Data Foundation (UNX) on a SAP HANA

Using SAP BusinessObjects BI Clients for SAP HANA Creating the JDBC connection to the SAP In-Memory Database To set up the JDBC connection to the IMDB: 1. Copy the ngdbc.jar in the appropriate folder under …/dataAccess/ConnectionServer/jd bc/drivers/newdb If this directory structure does not exist, you need to create this directory structure under ../dataAc cess/connectionSrever/jdbc and then drop the jdbc jar file under this directory. 2. Launch the SAP BusinessObjects information design tool. 3. Create a new local project. 4. In this project, create a new Relational Connection. 5. Name it. 6. Select JDBC Drives as the data source. 7. Enter DB credentials and test. 8. Choose Finish. Note: for Explorer, you can also create a native connection from the IMDB to the Explorer application, by configuring the Explorer application settings in the SAP BusinessObjects Central Management Console (CMC). When this type of native connection is used for Explorer, a UNX file...

Integrating SAP HANA with SAP Business Objects

After installing SAP HANA, you have to connect the components of your SAP HANA landscape so they can work together. You have to establish connectivity between the following components: 1. SAP HANA box to SAP ERP system 2. SAP HANA box to SAP HANA studio 3. SAP HANA box to end-user clients. If you are using the SAP BusinessObjects servers, which are not in the scope of SAP HANA, you also have to connect the following SAP BusinessObjects systems: 1. SAP HANA box to SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise (to use the SAP BusinessObjects BI clients) 2. SAP ERP system to SAP BusinessObjects Data Services (to use Data Services for data replication) See also: Create a Data Foundation (UNX) on a SAP HANA Universe on SAP HANA

Opening documents in SAP BI MOBILE for IPAD - IPHONE

Creating SAP BI URLs For Opening specific BI Documents or Reports SAP BusinessObjects Mobile for iOS 4.2.0 Pre-requisite Recipients of the SAP BI URLs (created using the format explained in this topic) have: - Access to the SAP BusinessObjects BI platform server/ SAP BusinessObjects Mobile server specified in the URL. - The SAP Mobile for iOS app installed on their iPhone or iPad device. 1. Creating an SAP BI URL for opening a simple BI document (default view: first report, first page) in the app To give users access to a simple BI document on their iPad or iPhone devices, create an SAP BI URL with the following format: s apbi://OpenDoc/?ConnectionType=BOEConnection&connection_name=123&serv er_url= • ConnectionType , connection_name, server_url and cms are the regular SAP BI URL paramete...

SAP HANA variable creation example

Analytical view with parameter example We will use a simple analytical view as an example which will guide us for the rest of the document. The analytical view has been built from tables coming from a DWH sample schema. The screenshots of the view and of the variable and parameters management have been realized with the HANA Studio release 1.0.25 The Customers attribute view contains information about customers of the company. The view also contains the last name, the customer country, city and education as attributes available at query time. The Customer_id is used as the key attribute for the join with the fact table. This view is defined on top of the Customer table. The Products attribute view contains information about products. Will be presented only the product name and brand as attributes. Product_ID is the key attribute. The fact table used here is the Sales_2006 table. There is the join between the Product_Id and the Customer_id with the attribute views and we e...

SAP HANA variables and parameters

Let's see SAP HANA basic information on variables and parameters which for could be  relevant for BI designers. In SAP HANA it is possible to define the results of a query on an information model at runtime by passing values to the model. There are two kinds of input values which can be passed to a model: variables and parameters. Both variables and parameters will appear as prompts for the user running the query (or will be automatically filled in by the application calling the HANA information model). HANA variables HANA variables are used to filter the content of an information model. They don ‟ t impact the execution workflow of the information model and are applied to a query to filter out some values. Variables can be used to filter attributes. As an example, a variable can be used to filter a result to a specific country or a specific customer. In SQL, variables are applied in the WHERE clause of the query. HANA parameters Parameters are used to...

Universe on SAP HANA

Choosing between creating HANA information models and universes Client tool Requires a Universe Access HANA data via: SBO Analysis Office             No                       an information model SBO Explorer (*) Microsoft Excel (PivotTable) SBO Web Intelligence Yes                       a universe built on tables or information models SBO Dashboards SBO Crystal Reports for Enterprise (*) Explorer could also be connected to universes When you have to begin a new business intelligence project on HANA, the first question to ask yourself is whether you want to (or need to) create information models or universes. At the moment  your choice mainly depends on the client tool that you want to use to access HANA. When you create information models you benefit from: -Availability to Anal...

ERROR WIS 30567 - Could not save document to the repository

Could not save document to the repository  (WIS 30567) Environment : BusinessObjects XI3.1 SP3; Windows Server 2003 SP2 Errors erased when trying to save Web Intelligence documents "Could not save the document to the repository for the following reason: [repo_proxy 30] InfoStore::ObjectExport::commit - (Helpers::InfoStore::ObjectExport::commit) File Repository Server error: Could not save the file .wid to the File Repository Server. File already exists. (hr=#0x80042a4a)(Error #-2147210678 (WIS 30567)" This error tells that when report was being saved into Input FRS, another report with the same ID was found there and the product couldn't overwrite it. So possible reasons are: you have no rights to overwrite docs in the BOE there are OS issues with restrictios on IFRS Drive space issues Beside, make sure the following servers are up and running and also check your rights on saving the object in BOE: Web Intelligence Report Server Input Report...