SAP BO Dashboards 4 - Binding chart to the query objects

Binding chart to the query objects

The great  new feature in SAP BO Dashboards
allows to bind every single component of the dashboard  (charts, gauge and so on)
directly to the query on the universe, this operation avoids to import values on the sheet in order to map    the component.

Please note that when data is directly bound to a chart or other component this object will not display data in Design mode so you need to preview or publish the dashboard in order to view data.

New components for Universe Connectivity:

Query prompt selector 

enables users to select one or more values for the prompt accordfing the operator used in the query.
Please note that when a prompt selector is dragged to the canvass automaticcally it is added to the dahsboard.

Query refresh button

this allows users to refresh  data directly on demand in the dashboard

In SAP BO Dashboards 4.0

is now possible to
 apply a dynamic regional date, time, currency and number format 
to the dashboard components rather then choosing a static format
In this way the dashboard displays for each user dynamic formatting types according user's locale viewing preferences 

See other new features:

Sap bo dashboards 4 -New features


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  2. Nice Post Thanks For Sharing to get more information Managers Dashboard for Business Visit here.


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